Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Vlog about the house.

Tourist from Sri Lanka take a tour in Malacca and visits the house.

The tourist, named Shiran De Silva, came to Malaysia and record this. In this video, you can see what is Rumah Melayu Melaka, or Malacca Malay House really look like. The Stairs, The Roof, what it is made of, The Balcony and the Decorations, all the things that symbolizes the Malacca Traditional house can be seen.

There's a lots of decoration at the entire house; at the windows, the stairs, at the every side of the roof and also at the balcony. The plants that fills the lawn of the house make it easily to recognize and identify it. The chocolate-coloured house with zinc roof can be well estimated as one othe symbol to this house.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

It's a wrap.

Melaka Malay traditional house has a lot of history in the way of construction, concept , function , design , and the home building materials used . Home and construction of traditional Malay houses Melaka reflect the culture of the people who inhabit it . Melaka Malay traditional houses built with the design heritage of the Malay society characterized by long roof and roof tiles coated stone staircase is the main attraction and a unique feature of this house . Shape and materials used depends on the philosophy of " Spirit of the Times " . Each room in the house has its own symbolic meaning or philosophy that you want highlighted and preserved.

The role of Islam is also important in the formation of the philosophy of Malay houses .
Traditional houses each state varied forms often rely on religious beliefs and society , customs , interests or an event . Malay architecture that high values ​​of this culture should be maintained as a reference and guide for the younger generations of today and tomorrow . In addition , it's important for every society to care for and maintain their heritage is being lost to modernization and thus represent the identity of a country.
                                 Image result for gambar orang tengah solat
                                   Islam characteristics are count as one of the main reason to built the house


After selecting a good area, so should be considered toward the house way. For the Malay architecture has a few tips :

Facing north . Well , bring a lot of things , rarely suffer disease and live in adequate .

Facing East . Well , the residents will get sustenance , far from all sorts of diseases .

Facing West . The best, inmates barely get diseas and often get good salary.

Facing South. Fate uncertain, sometimes good , sometimes not so good.

But as the times goes by, this doesn't matter to the people in this century. As it is comfy and warm, it is okay for us to stay.
                          Image result for gambar kompas penunjuk arah

The Position. It is Important.

The tradition of the Malays there say some rules and guidelines to decide the position of the house to be built. A good place to build a house according to Malay tradition :

1 .On clay yellow and black . It is believed that residents will not suffer from labor , apoplexy and epilepsy.

2 .On flat ground. Occupants will always calm and likable by the social life .

3 On the ground that tilted backwards. Residents will not lack of sustenance .

4.On the ground shrubs/ bushes. Occupants will get halal source, free from interference of ghosts and other supernatural beings.

5. Close to the water source. Residents will have provision in abundance.

-The place is not too bad :

1. On the ground orchard or garden that does not exist plants or perennials . Inmates will not be impoverished , nor abundant sustenance.

2. On the ground mixed with sand . Occupants will be spared from the plague .

3. On top of old housing container . Residents will have the same fate as the old home owners .

4. On the ground abandoned or neglected . Residents would have fared better in life if
"unlucky " land disposal.

-The place that been forbidden:

1. On peat . Residents will suffer from bone disease .

2. Above the cemetery . Occupants will be harassed or attacked by the ghost or a variety of diseases .

3. In the former bloody dead . Residents will receive reinforcements and harassed by the ghost of the dead there.

4. On the ground of the former people die of the pestilence . Residents will have the same fate

5. On the ground " bird droppings " that ground recessed - dent . Residents will get the Bubul disease.

6. On the ground knobbed and beranai infestation. Occupants will be impoverished .

7. On donated land . Residents will suffer the curse

8. Above " the tongue of land " the land of the long knobbed . Permanent residents will not inhabit his home

Inside of the house: Main things first.

It is a common for everyone wants to build a house according to their desire. The key to generating house with characteristics desired design and architecture is to hold a meeting . That is why the first step before setting up a home is to deliberate, whether between families or to involve members of the community around it . Deliberation was usually talks about the type of house that will be established, the use, the materials required , the selection and ranking of sites, the constructor will build the house and when construction will begin. In the meeting it was also discussed abstinence and prohibition , customs and practices that should be done in an orderly manner before, during and after the construction of the future.

A member of the community who built a house without doing the meeting will be considered as a " lack of manners " or " uncouth ". This should be avoided as to make other people in the house feel offended . It is feared that the elders will feel "stepped"and the young men feels like to be stashed out. Houses that been built without prior meeting would cause the owner criticized or being bad spoken by the people, causing the house itself is considered " gawal " or " Kewal " which is believed to bring bad luck or misfortune .
                               Image result for gambar orang melayu dahulu kala


Every nation and tribe in this world has home form , function and meaning of traditional houses as particularly characteristic according to customs and traditions , in addition to the universal values ​​contained. Same goes with the Malays. Even the great French regions have similarities and differences of the house, function and meaning of traditional home if observed or studied in greater depth.

Malay Malacca traditional house is a building that is intact, which can be used as a family residence , place of deliberation , a habitual descent , a shelter for anyone who needs it. According to the tradition, the Malays believe four light in the earth consisting of household , farm stacked , rice paddies, and young children ( Tenas Effendy 2005) . The first light of the household should be maintained as well as possible with restricted by custom or tradition that the practice community.

Because of the breadth of content meaning and function in the life of the Malays, it is also the pride and perfection of life, the planning and construction of the house shall be established by ordinance act in accordance with the custom that has become known to all people. Guided by the procedures and customs regulations which order it , then it can be called "Rumah sebenar Rumah ".
                                            Image result for gambar orang melayu dahulu kala

Authenticity of Rumah Melayu Melaka.

Since the days of the Malacca Sultanate , the Malacca palace is said to have become the basis of the various forms of traditional Malay houses Melaka and next to the original form of Malay in Malaysia. The construction of the house is constructed by the old people back years then, following these tips and methods adapted to the environment, customs, beliefs and Islam as their religion.

This traditional house has its own special attraction because it symbolizes the height of personal and identity of the owner. Most of the traditional houses built on stilts, high floor, covered awnings and scattered folding roof. Formerly, many Malay houses made ​​from the best wooden planks. This means the Malays before know how to evaluate the quality of wood from the forest for their home. The wood is often used as meranti , cengal , belian, resak , tembusu, merang and so on.

Yet now, the time have passed and influence the minds of home owners to traditional design change to a more modern.

Influence of Customs, Beliefs and Culture on the Construction of Traditional Malacca Malay House.

This traditional Malay houses are highly preferred not only as  shelter and life activities, it is also shows a perfect life of the Malays. The features not only on the parts of the house but also in the ceremony, materials, name and position of the house. Malay traditional house is a home for a families, a place for deliberation, the descent habitual and as well as a shelter. The design of the Malay traditional houses is determined by the shape of the roof. The key to creating a home with the desired characteristics is on a meeting and cooperate that been translated in ceremonies, size, parts and the home decor. Various ceremonies that is general during the construction, including Beramu, Mematikan Tanah, and Menaiki Rumah. The aim is to keep the people that involved in the construction of the house is to fulfill their hope, to avoid a catastrophe and to not disturb the "forest spirits". The equipment used in this ceremony contains the features that contains meaning and value in the Malay culture. A place to build a house, where the house facing, the type of wood that is not good to be home materials also underlined by Malay tradition. The size of the building is also believed to be able to determine the merits of a house that is measured using the body of the owner of such high and feet, as well as the size based on the number of 'kasau' and 'gelegar'. The height of the house is the height stature of a man (husband), while the size of the house is the size of the women's hands (wives). In this traditional Malay houses, there is some kind of pole with a specific name and function. At the house, the front stairs, the arrangement of the stairs steps, how to tie the rope ladder is said to contain a specific meaning. Threshold referred to custom limits, because the male guests are allowed in the house when there are no men.
                                   Image result for orang kampung melaka zaman 1990

Special Things about This Traditional House: The Roof

The roof of this traditional house, as other roof function, designed to provide shades and protection from the heat and rain, and also to provide ventilation. But the special thing about this roof is the basic design of the roof is scattered flat roof(bumbung bertebar layar), a long frame with decoration along at the edge of the roof. Malay vernacular roof is most suitable for the tropical climate; hot and humid. The examples of scattered flat roofs can be found on the design of Rumah Lipat Kajang. However, pitched roof pyramid style can also be found in other houses such as Palembang, Rumah Limas.

In Riau and Jambi, there are several different styles, especially the design of the roof. Lancang house (Rumah Lancang) or Lontik house (Rumah Lontik) are curved like a boat with a roof structure on stilts. The design is, somehow, similar with Minang Rumah Gadang. Lipat Kajang house has a flat roof structure with cross edge form an "x " in the corner of the roof peak. Larger structure with a roof across the same corner called Rumah Limas . This type of roof and the structure of the palace is often used in the Malay rulers and government buildings.

The Features.

Malay traditional houses need a ladder to reach high into the interior due to the high post used. Usually the house is connected to the ground from the porch ( the porch or verandah ). Additional stairs may be found in the backyard as for the kitchen use and to go to the toilet at the outside. Stairs can be made of wood or brick structure covered with tile. For example, in Melaka and Riau, stairs constantly shaped and as colorful tiled decoration. The stairs also, for some people, can be count as the 'asset' of their house.
Image result for tangga batu  Image result for tangga batu
                                  Image result for tangga batu

The Room
The interior is divided to create such a portico (porch), living room, and bedroom. A traditional Malay wooden houses are usually divided to two parts : the main house , known as Mother House (Rumah Ibu) in honor of the mother and a more convenient home kitchen or kitchen annex , which was separated from the main house for fire protection . The important part to give your home a human scale. The house is named after Mrs. spacings between poles is said usually follows wide - spread arms of his wife and mother in the family home when being built . At least one raised veranda ( porch ) attached to the house to work or relax sit , or where regular visitors will not be entertained , thus preserving the privacy of the interior .
                                         Image result for bilik di dalam rumah melayu melaka


Each region of the Malay, country or sub - regional or ethnic group has its own design of home with the details on their options. However, most of the Malay traditional houses have typical décoration of roof; the crossed edge of the roof structure, forming an "x " as decoration on the roof top. This type of decoration can be found in Lontik, Limas style and Lipat Kajang. On the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, many houses have Gable own's roof top board carvings similar to those in Thailand and Cambodia.