This traditional Malay houses are highly preferred not only as shelter and life activities, it is also shows a perfect life of the Malays. The features not only on the parts of the house but also in the ceremony, materials, name and position of the house. Malay traditional house is a home for a families, a place for deliberation, the descent habitual and as well as a shelter. The design of the Malay traditional houses is determined by the shape of the roof. The key to creating a home with the desired characteristics is on a meeting and cooperate that been translated in ceremonies, size, parts and the home decor. Various ceremonies that is general during the construction, including Beramu, Mematikan Tanah, and Menaiki Rumah. The aim is to keep the people that involved in the construction of the house is to fulfill their hope, to avoid a catastrophe and to not disturb the "forest spirits". The equipment used in this ceremony contains the features that contains meaning and value in the Malay culture. A place to build a house, where the house facing, the type of wood that is not good to be home materials also underlined by Malay tradition. The size of the building is also believed to be able to determine the merits of a house that is measured using the body of the owner of such high and feet, as well as the size based on the number of 'kasau' and 'gelegar'. The height of the house is the height stature of a man (husband), while the size of the house is the size of the women's hands (wives). In this traditional Malay houses, there is some kind of pole with a specific name and function. At the house, the front stairs, the arrangement of the stairs steps, how to tie the rope ladder is said to contain a specific meaning. Threshold referred to custom limits, because the male guests are allowed in the house when there are no men.
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