Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Inside of the house: Main things first.

It is a common for everyone wants to build a house according to their desire. The key to generating house with characteristics desired design and architecture is to hold a meeting . That is why the first step before setting up a home is to deliberate, whether between families or to involve members of the community around it . Deliberation was usually talks about the type of house that will be established, the use, the materials required , the selection and ranking of sites, the constructor will build the house and when construction will begin. In the meeting it was also discussed abstinence and prohibition , customs and practices that should be done in an orderly manner before, during and after the construction of the future.

A member of the community who built a house without doing the meeting will be considered as a " lack of manners " or " uncouth ". This should be avoided as to make other people in the house feel offended . It is feared that the elders will feel "stepped"and the young men feels like to be stashed out. Houses that been built without prior meeting would cause the owner criticized or being bad spoken by the people, causing the house itself is considered " gawal " or " Kewal " which is believed to bring bad luck or misfortune .
                               Image result for gambar orang melayu dahulu kala

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