Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The Position. It is Important.

The tradition of the Malays there say some rules and guidelines to decide the position of the house to be built. A good place to build a house according to Malay tradition :

1 .On clay yellow and black . It is believed that residents will not suffer from labor , apoplexy and epilepsy.

2 .On flat ground. Occupants will always calm and likable by the social life .

3 On the ground that tilted backwards. Residents will not lack of sustenance .

4.On the ground shrubs/ bushes. Occupants will get halal source, free from interference of ghosts and other supernatural beings.

5. Close to the water source. Residents will have provision in abundance.

-The place is not too bad :

1. On the ground orchard or garden that does not exist plants or perennials . Inmates will not be impoverished , nor abundant sustenance.

2. On the ground mixed with sand . Occupants will be spared from the plague .

3. On top of old housing container . Residents will have the same fate as the old home owners .

4. On the ground abandoned or neglected . Residents would have fared better in life if
"unlucky " land disposal.

-The place that been forbidden:

1. On peat . Residents will suffer from bone disease .

2. Above the cemetery . Occupants will be harassed or attacked by the ghost or a variety of diseases .

3. In the former bloody dead . Residents will receive reinforcements and harassed by the ghost of the dead there.

4. On the ground of the former people die of the pestilence . Residents will have the same fate

5. On the ground " bird droppings " that ground recessed - dent . Residents will get the Bubul disease.

6. On the ground knobbed and beranai infestation. Occupants will be impoverished .

7. On donated land . Residents will suffer the curse

8. Above " the tongue of land " the land of the long knobbed . Permanent residents will not inhabit his home

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