Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Every nation and tribe in this world has home form , function and meaning of traditional houses as particularly characteristic according to customs and traditions , in addition to the universal values ​​contained. Same goes with the Malays. Even the great French regions have similarities and differences of the house, function and meaning of traditional home if observed or studied in greater depth.

Malay Malacca traditional house is a building that is intact, which can be used as a family residence , place of deliberation , a habitual descent , a shelter for anyone who needs it. According to the tradition, the Malays believe four light in the earth consisting of household , farm stacked , rice paddies, and young children ( Tenas Effendy 2005) . The first light of the household should be maintained as well as possible with restricted by custom or tradition that the practice community.

Because of the breadth of content meaning and function in the life of the Malays, it is also the pride and perfection of life, the planning and construction of the house shall be established by ordinance act in accordance with the custom that has become known to all people. Guided by the procedures and customs regulations which order it , then it can be called "Rumah sebenar Rumah ".
                                            Image result for gambar orang melayu dahulu kala

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